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Utilizing Visual Content to Boost Real Estate Sales


The marketing landscape in real estate has shifted and grown extensively over the last few years. One of the biggest shifts came through the advent of the internet, and the ability to create and post various types of media to attract people on the internet

What is Visual Content In Real Estate?

Visual content in general is providing different types of pictures, videos and infographics in order to gain the attention of your audience and have enough interaction in order to turn the viewers into clients.

There are three types of visual content that you can use:

  • Pictures 
  • Videos
  • Infographics 

Pictures in Real Estate Digital Marketing

When it comes to real estate, dealing with sellers and buyers requires the presence of a property, and how you want to sell that property is important to the ultimate satisfaction of the clients and your company. 

Pictures act as a great medium in order to convey what a property looks like, in order to sell or purchase it. You can use pictures to not only create a good pitch for properties you want to sell as a real estate agent on your website, but you can also use them for your real estate social media posts, which builds trust and authenticity for your business. 

Posting pictures of you, the real estate agent and then the properties, allows people to familiarize themselves with you, and having an idea of the property will allow people to understand if it is to their liking and think of any questions they may have for you.

Videos in Real Estate Digital Marketing

While pictures tend to give a good idea of a property, the biggest form of digital marketing for your real estate business sales to be boosted, is to use video form. Videos in real estate can be shifted to various formats in order to make sure that all types of people are benefiting from it. 

Introducing Your Team

For example, you can use videos in your real estate website and showcase your team and everyone who is a part of your company. This gives your business some authenticity and also allows the prospective clients to gain some familiarity with you. A business without faces is hard to trust.

Virtual Tours

On top of that videos can be used to create virtual tours that can be attached on your website to specific listings. Providing virtual tours in real estate has several benefits, the most important being, people are much more inclined to look into a property from the comfort of their home, knowing they can do it in their own time. On top of that, if so many more people are putting eyes on the listing, there is a higher possibility of there being a sale or a deal. 

Social Media Marketing

Videos can also be used for real estate social media marketing, as you can post the same videos on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, among others, and since these social media platforms are used so heavily, you will get a much higher view count. As long as you make sure there is a link back to your own website, it will have much higher traffic than before. 

Property 3D Visuals

Videos also transfer better when a property is under construction but you still want to advertise it. There can be videos created in 3D which showcase how a property would look after completion. This is a method that is highly popular, and is used to properties to prospective buyers even before completion. 

Local Area

Buying a property such as homes has a lot of factors when people are looking to buy, it isn’t just limited to the home itself. For example, if people want to buy a family home in the suburbs, they will be highly motivated to buy in a quaint area with lots of space and safety, alongside activities and parks around it. So being able to create a video highlighting those aspects allows for real estate agents to take their sales to the next level by catering to the audience better. For secure surroundings, you can look at UK property sales for the best homes. 

Hosting Meetings

Using video in real estate marketing can even be transferred to live calls – hosting Zoom or Google Meet calls to hundreds or thousands of people from online forums or your company’s specific groups. You can cater to these people by showcasing a property live from within it, and allowing them to understand the entire dynamic of the property, while asking any and all questions they may have.

You can even host separate meetings with people who may live outside the city or in another state, but want to buy a home in yours. Being able to give them and yourself the convenience of avoiding scheduling a meeting months later and just taking a live call helps speed up processes and make more deals. 

Infographics In Real Estate Marketing

Infographics can involve various methods such as:

  • Pictures with information
  • Bar charts
  • Pie charts

Infographics are especially important to periodically throw in your social media profiles and your real estate website in order to ensure people understand your knowledge in the real estate niche. If you can teach people or let them know that you have proper knowledge in real estate and everything related to it, it will give people more confidence to come to you.


There are various forms of use when it comes to visuals in digital marketing of your real estate business, but it is extremely important to make sure you are doing them in the right way, and making sure you are building rapport with your audience. Videos are the most interactive form of marketing nowadays and it allows people to get to know the face of the agent they are dealing with and with the property they are interested in. However, pictures and infographics are also very important for your marketing campaign.